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Rentrée Grands Formats 2024

La Rentrée Grands Formats returns from October 4 to November 14, 2024!

A not-to-be-missed event in the world of jazz and improvised music, Rentrée Grands Formats is back for its 18th edition!

This autumn, let yourself be surprised by the amazing musical projects led by Grands Formats artists! The federation’s large ensembles and collectives will be performing their creations in France, Europe and even across the Atlantic in over 60 concerts from October 4 to November 14, 2024.

For its highlight, Rentrée Grands Formats 2024 joins forces with jazz and improvised music operators in the Nantes area on November 12, 13 and 14: Pannonica (celebrating its 30th anniversary this year!), la Soufflerie de Rezé and the Conservatoire de Nantes.

CONCERTS FROM 04.10 TO 14.11

04/10 – Jean-Marie Machado Orchestre Danzas Opéra de Reims (51)
04/10 – The Very Big Experimental Toubifri Orchestra Les Abattoirs / Bourgoin-Jallieu (38)
04/10 > 06/10 – Pégazz Festival Le Comptoir – Halle Roublot / Fontenay-sous-Bois (94)
04/10 – Leïla Olivesi & le Choeur Philharmonique International Studio 104 / Paris (75)
05/10 – Papanosh Blue Stern / Madison (USA)
05/10 – The Very Big Experimental Toubifri Orchestra La Fabrik / Saint-Symphorien sur Coise (69)
05/10 – Discobole Orchestra feat Christine Salem Paul B / Massy (91)
05/10 – Jean-Marie Machado Orchestre Danzas Bords 2 Scènes / Vitry-le-François (51)
05/10 – Sabbat Atelier Angström / Perrigny-sur-Armançon (89)
05/10 – Pégazz Festival : Luise Volkmann & Été Large Le Comptoir – Halle Roublot / Fontenay-sous-Bois (94)
06/10 > 07/10 – Rédèr Nouhaj Théâtre les 3 Chênes / Loiron-Ruillé (53)
08/10 – Papanosh The Lounge Liberty Hall / Cincinnati (USA)
08/10 – Le SonArt Temple du Foyer de l’Âme / Paris (75)
08/10 – Comme ça La Bouche d’Air / Pannonica / Nantes (44)
10/10 > 11/10 – Rédèr Nouhaj Théâtre du Châtelet / Noyon (60)
11/10 – L’Oeuf Big Band La Source / Fontaine (38)
11/10 – Nosferatu Cinéma La Façade / Ambert (63)
12/10 – Q-Some Big Band feat. Viermaliks Hnita Jazz Club / Heist-op-den-Berg (BE)
13/10 – Le SonArt Varallo Sesia (IT)
14/10 > 16/10 – Rédèr Nouhaj Centre Léo Lagrange / Roye (80)
16/10 – Fleurs Noires : Sibyls Tango Le Triton / Les Lilas (93)
17/10 – Rédèr Nouhaj Albert (80)
18/10 – Orchestre National de Jazz La Comète Scène Nationale / Châlons-en-Champagne (51)
18/10 – Bal Zetwal Médiathèque / Saint-Étienne du Rouvray (76)
18/10 – Chemins Sonnants Les amis de Pézanin / Dompierre-les-Ormes(71)
18/10 – Fleurs Noires : Post-Tango Le Triton / Les Lilas (93)
19/10 – Q-Some Big Band feat. Viermaliks Stadtsschouwburg / Mechelen (BE)
20/10 – Àbájade Jazz sur Seine – Le Canapé / Gif-sur-Yvette (91)
21/10 – Rédèr Nouhaj Auditorium / Laval (53)
22/10 – Rédèr Nouhaj Théâtre Boris Vian / Couëron (44)
23/10 – Rédèr Nouhaj Craon (53)
24/10 – Magic Malik Fanfare XP La Petite Halle / Paris (75)
25/10 – Tous Dehors Uméa Jazz Festival / Uméa (SWE)
27/10 – Fuchsthone Orchestra Jazzfestival Würzburg (DE)
02/11 – Trio Julien Denis Sofia Festival Chants d’elles/ Rouen (76)
02/11 – FUR 38Riv / Paris (75)
04/11 > 08/11 – Ouate ! Campus Universitaire de Rouen (76)
06/11 > 07/11 – La Nuit des morts-vivants Espace Aragon / Villard-Bonnot (38)
07/11 > 10/11 – Jean-Marie Machado Orchestre Danzas Opéra de Rennes (35)
07/11 > 08/11 – Rédèr Nouhaj La Faïencerie / La Tronche (38)
08/11 – Not only a trio Café associatif Le Là Itou / Mont-Saint-Jean (21)
08/11 – FUR KOA Jazz Festival / Montpellier (34)
10/11 – Rédèr Nouhaj L’Échandole / Yverdon les Bains (14)
12/11 > 13/11 – Rédèr Nouhaj MJC / Chambéry (73)
12/11 – Ouate Watt ! Maison de l’Université de Rouen (76)
12/11 – Not only a trio Théâtre de Nevers (58)
13/11 > 14/11 – Perce Plafond Espace Germinal / Fosses (95)
13/11 – Paul Jarret Acoustic Large Ensemble D’jazz Nevers / Nevers (58)
14/11 – Fuchsthone Orchestra Stadtgarden / Cologne (DE)
14/11 – Rédèr Nouhaj Centre Culturel / La Ricamarie (42)

12/11 – Paul Jarret Acoustic Large Ensemble La Soufflerie / Rezé (44)
13/11 – Moger Orchestra La Soufflerie / Rezé (44)
14/11 – Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp La Barakason / Rezé (44)


Tuesday 12 November 2024  :

Wednesday 13 November 2024 :

  • Grands Formats General Assembly* 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Pannonica
  • Professional meeting from 2:30 to 4:30 pm at the Pannonica :
    « For a Art et Essai (Arthouse) Music »
    The means of distribution and communication that have developed at an accelerated pace over the last five years have inevitably had major consequences for the music sector and its industry, as well as for all other cultural sectors. In a period also marked by an unprecedented health crisis, they have been accompanied by societal mutations leading to changes in the supply of and demand for cultural products. At the same time, France’s public cultural policies have been equipped with new tools, such as the Centre National de la Musique, and a “streaming tax”, which will enable the Centre to build up sustainable resources from contributions made by the entire music sector, and in particular, newly, by the music streaming industry. Moreover, creative music has so far paid a heavy price in recent crises, and while its inventiveness has not been outdone, its economic structure, as well as its ability to permeate audiences, has suffered as a result. In light of these new opportunities, however, and following the example of cinema, it may be time to try and define “art music” and, with it, the means to support it.

    • Romain Laleix – CNM Delegate Director
    • Dominique Muller – DGCA Music Delegate
    • Catherine Verliac – Director of the cinema department of CNC
    • David Obadia – AFCAE General Delegate
    • Pierre-Alexandre Gauthier – Inouïe Distribution
    • Moderation : Marie Hédin-Christophe – La Lettre du Musicien


  • Concert : What’s New Orchestra (Conservatoire de Nantes’s big band) + Moger Orchestra from 8pm at La Soufflerie (Rezé)
  • Jam Session at the bar Chez Maurice (14 Cours Sully, Nantes) from 9:30pm. Bring your instruments!

Thursday 14 November 2024 :

*accessible only for Grands Formats/Think Big! members


Concert tickets: Choose the Pass Grands Formats!

The Grands Formats Pass is €24 for two concerts, to choose from the three concerts in the Rentrée festival: Paul Jarret Acoustic Large Ensemble, Moger Orchestra and Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp.

→ Reservations for the Grands Formats pass via La Soufflerie’s online ticketing service.

Cocktail reception hosted by Grands Formats

Grands Formats is organizing a cocktail-dinner party on November 13 from 6pm to 8pm at the Barakason, open by invitation only.



Opened in autumn 1994 by the Nantes Jazz Action association, Pannonica is Nantes’ jazz and improvised music scene. It is committed to discovery and emergence, which contribute to its international reputation.
Celebrate the Pannonica’s 30th anniversary at the Rentrée Grands Formats!



La Soufflerie déploie une programmation pluridisciplinaire dans trois salles à Rezé : l’Auditorium (274 places assises), le Théâtre (450 places assises) et la Barakason
(411 places debout), mais également dans l’espace public et autres lieux non dédiés.
Jazz, musique baroque, contemporaine et actuelle côtoient la danse, le cirque et le théâtre, dans un projet qui questionne l’articulation entre art, culture et société. Lieu de création, de diffusion et d’action culturelle, la Soufflerie accueille l’ensemble des publics et va à la rencontre du territoire et de ses habitant·es à travers différents espaces de collaborations.



The Conservatoire de Nantes is an establishment of the City of Nantes, specializing in the teaching of music, dance and drama. It is classified as a “Conservatoire à rayonnement régional” (CRR) and welcomes some 1,800 students, mainly from the Pays de la Loire and Brittany regions, but also from all over France. In line with the main thrusts of the City of Nantes’ cultural policy, the Conservatoire pursues a dynamic of openness to new audiences, pedagogical innovation, creation and local, national and international influence.


The jazz department offers training from discovery to the Cycle préparatoire à l’enseignement supérieur (C.P.E.S). Collective practice is the central element, around which scholarly disciplines and individual improvisation classes are built. Jazz practice is open to all instrumentalists and singers.


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