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Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp sur scène

Do you love music?
So do we,
but in a big way!

Welcome on Grands Formats' website More info Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp © Volpe Photography
Rentrée Grands Formats 2024

Rentrée grands formats 2024

More than 60 concerts of jazz and improvised music from October 4th to November 14th More info

Bring artists together

We aim to unite jazz and improvised music big bands and collectives, and connect them with young musicians of the future generation

Support their outreach

We act to boost the visibility and circulation of music performed in large ensembles, and of jazz and improvised music as a whole

Observe the music industry

We carry out surveys and studies to report on the professional sector’s functioning, and the issues artists encounter

Represent the artists

We strive to allow the voice of artists to be heard in ongoing debates and works in progress of the musical industry, thus participating in its structuring

Latest videos

Portrait d'Artiste Orchestre Incandescent

Orchestre Incandescent

portrait fred pallem

Fred Pallem et le Sacre du Tympan

Portrait d'artiste Leila Olivesi Octet

Leïla Olivesi Octet

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0Concerts per year
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